On 4th December, the students from the sixth level went to the Centre Cívic of Can Rull to watch this movie, invited by IES Sabadell. We have written a small essay about the film.
Four friends from Central Park in New York are celebrating Marty`s birthday. Marty is a zebra, Alex is a lion, Melman is a giraffe and Gloria is an hippo. They all are friends.
One day Marty sees a penguin scaping from the zoo. He scapes too, and he goes to the station. Then, his friends follow him. Finally they are captured by the police.
They travell in a ship. They are closed in boxes. The lion wakes up on board and starts crying. There is a storm, and Marty and Alex start fighting. The ropes break and they fall into the water. They float in the sea.
The animals wake up in an island and they listen to music. They run to the forest and they see strange animals. They dance with the animals, but the “fora” arrive to eat them. Alex the lion saves them; the “fora” are scared and they run away. All the animals see Alex as a king. But Alex wants to eat Marty, and he thinks that he is a monster.
Then they are in the beach and they see a boat. Marty runs and finds Alex, but the “foras” arrive. Finally they scape with the other animals, and they sail in a boat.
We like the film very much! It is funny!
Fani Serrano and Jeni Galinsoga. 6th level
Four friends from Central Park in New York are celebrating Marty`s birthday. Marty is a zebra, Alex is a lion, Melman is a giraffe and Gloria is an hippo. They all are friends.
One day Marty sees a penguin scaping from the zoo. He scapes too, and he goes to the station. Then, his friends follow him. Finally they are captured by the police.
They travell in a ship. They are closed in boxes. The lion wakes up on board and starts crying. There is a storm, and Marty and Alex start fighting. The ropes break and they fall into the water. They float in the sea.
The animals wake up in an island and they listen to music. They run to the forest and they see strange animals. They dance with the animals, but the “fora” arrive to eat them. Alex the lion saves them; the “fora” are scared and they run away. All the animals see Alex as a king. But Alex wants to eat Marty, and he thinks that he is a monster.
Then they are in the beach and they see a boat. Marty runs and finds Alex, but the “foras” arrive. Finally they scape with the other animals, and they sail in a boat.
We like the film very much! It is funny!
Fani Serrano and Jeni Galinsoga. 6th level
i like this resum
a estat un esforç per part d'elles
Ha estat molt xula la historia crec que entre el Sebastià y
les dos nenes ho han fet molt bé hos felicito. Oscar Juan i Puig
està molt bé crec que a estat un esforç prou gran per patr vostre.
moltes felicitats
llo no vaig poder anar perque estava malalt però m'han dit que va ser mol xula
Hello to everybody. My name is Josep and I want to congratulate to all the girls and boys for the summary of your partners and the attention you pay to the movie.
Your former partners of IES Sabadell have read it.
I invite you to read our summary, too and surf our blog.
Hello my friend!
weno quiero que sepas que mi primo me ha hablado muy bien de ti y pareces buen profesor.
Godbye by water my teacher friend!!!!
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